Monday, August 07, 2006

Static Shocked

Fuck the static.
Still no exp, still no discussion, still a mountain of gear sitting in MH waiting to be worn.
It had potential to be sure, good set up, agreeable times etc.. Set up remains but the times went to hell nobody will show up at a set time, even after agreeing to or actualy setting up a time themselves. Have to let them know I need out, I'll offer up my whm as a sacrifice to them when they hit 63.
So I went off to pt again after sitting for a week or two or three 2k tnl. I was the worst rdm ever. No clue what the hell happened, I like to think bad dynamics through out the pt. Nice set up and all just everyone but the mnk and pld decided to do w/e the hell they wanted. SMN switched from DD to main heal to buff/support heal to nuker at random, not as needed but completely random. DRK and BLU either blew through the mp in one battle or didnt touch it for extended periods completely screwing my refresh/haste order. Nobody complained but I felt like shit afterwards.

Oh well 15k till Marine Male Gloves those and my Ocean Rope will make for a sexy rdm indeed when I get to wear my Enfeebling Torque in 4 lvls.

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