Lost my faith in the ferry.
What a crap gp fish the Bibikibo is. The only info I could find about catching it was that it bites only on the return trip from Purgonoro Island to Sunset Docks in Bibiki Bay. Add to that it is not a targetable fish, it falls into the same catagory as junk fish or rusty items.
As luck would have it I showed up in bibiki during the guild holiday so I set up fishing for a few cones and z-bass while I waited on the guild/manaclipper. I began casting a few cures on a BLU trying to gain an ability from an eft, we started chatting and he told me he needed to hit the island also to learn a move from an Uragnite but had been killed a few times trying. I offered to help since I was heading on that boat anyhow. Just before the manaclipper arrived the guild opened, I ran to check it and bought nine stacks of bibikibo's and a few stacks of z-bass to stockpile for GP, should be good for a good 45k gp over time lol. We only saw one uragnite on the ferry and he failed to learn the move. After three kills on the island he learned his venom shell move tossed him a D2 and we did the thank you-np dance. Good deed for the week complete back to fishing....
Hit windy turned in my gp fish warped back to bastok and checked on my chocobo, the little feller' is getting rather big. I set up a mix of care plans rather than his usual music/walk/rest and stuffed him full of greens.
Decided to hit the ferry and shoot for some more marlins to turn in. Shani hit the boat at the same time and got to witness me run blindly into the Sea Horror. I'll blame it on lag or better yet my lack of skill ups over the past few days required a sacrifice to the fishing gods and since there was a lack of virgins (horror noobs) on the boat I did the only responsible thing and offered myself up.
Crap run all in all, 0.1 for skill, only 7 marlins off of 3 stacks of bait, crap loads of titan bites etc.. 0/41 on the charts now. On the plus side I actualy got some bluetails to bite ^^.
Time to start researching some new skill fish. With the sale of the Mercurial Kris I no longer need to stress over profit fish as nice as they are I have to stop relying on them to carry me through skill ups. I should be able to work a few more levels out of shall shells they run between 24 and 36 cph (catches per hour) and cap at 53, another option is to target Red Terapin again caps at 53 also but ran a few less cph than the shall shells. The problem with the terrapin is that they do not AH very well. Used in Vampire Juice a lvl 90 cooking synth and Turtle Soup a lvl 71 cooking synth so maybe I can pawn some off on a cook^^ the soup sells for an average of 34k according to FFXI AH and looks like it has decent stats:
Description: A soup made from the vicious red terrapin.
Stackable: Not Stackable
Food Effects: (3 hours, All Races)
Maybe I should get a few more cooking levels and skill up off of these and save a few for soloing. The downside to the potential profit is the lack of sales.The Great Mule Liquidation of 06 is chugging along just fine. I find myself setting certain items aside "just in case I change my mind" I dont think I can part with my staves etc.. for now. But everything must go sooner or later. I kind of want to have it all gone then pick up a job to play again starting completely fresh or should I choose to quit down the road I will be set up to hand off gil to friends without trying to decide how to divy up gear. Haha sounds like a grim "getting my affairs in order" speech. It is kinda nice to be rich without having to worry about how long it will last^^. Oh yeah PL WW there goes the rich feeling ..