Poor guy never knew what hit him it took "moments" to put his ass down.
Big grats to all who were there teamwork +1.
Shadow Mantle dropped ^^
Sexy new title indeed! I forgot to haul the usb drive to work to post pics so I'll have to up them tomorrow.
Spent last night farming or I should say attempting to farm codexes for swift belt run, death, fun, excitement ... we did get one to drop and I won the lot. Popped my exp ring before we started so I at least covered all exp lost. Passed out during the run 4-5 hours of tauruses did me in I guess.
Made our first attempt at 4-3 a few nights ago, horrid mess I hope the next shot goes a bit smoother for us. At least we got an idea of what goes on.
Been busy playing with FFXI Rendering since my connection is crapping out regularly.
Nin is still @ 73 only two short levels till merit machine time /hurray! I'm debating using nin for LS activities and shelving BLM for good, at the very least going to a very basic utility gear set on it. I had wanted nin to merit, spend on blm but as usual after a week or two of blm I'm bored as hell. Nin really doesnt excite me much either anymore, I think its just my general mixed feelings about hitting the leveling wall with no where to go or maybe its just the grind of the ToAU areas ez exp has bred a new wave of lazy players.
The problem of course is that LS activities would demand me to come as the more usefull blm (never enough blm) over nin. Then again I'm in the LS more for fun than gathering points for gear, hell it would take me a very long time to build up lock in points vs. the others so getting my hopes up and dreaming of new toys would lead to little more than frustration.
Still need to finish thf28, sam28 and maybe drk7 to 37 for a well rounded sj pool.
But I have a plan^^ I call it Bard .... lol
Got the gear together for brd now just need to find the time to get rolling on it.
I'm still going to level rng again (in the semi near future) I wanted rng up for COP stuff but I am soon out of the level capped areas so its priority has dropped.