Thursday, January 25, 2007

Dynamis-Booby Prize. or, The place with the Zu's from Hell

Went on my first Dynamis-Buburimu last night and actualy enjoyed it.

Suprisingly simple to get to the {Mega Boss}, we wiped on the first try at him when he tore ass towards the mages from the start. Smoked him after a RR. Pulled Nightmare Crabs after that, another very easy section.

Then came the birds.

I dont recall their name, most likely blocked from my memory like a tragic childhood event. I wondered why a dozen or two were following the puller, I decided that the puller wouldnt mpk us and tried to sleep them, I noticed they dont sleep very well and hit very hard.

I RR'd up after a minute with a good chunk of the allience dead assuming I could use RR item then ele seal sleep them. I never got to see my char stand completely up before I was toasted again. Eventualy the allience got raised up agreed that if thats the way things were we had to at least kill the one that floated around the bodies preventing RR and forcing an allience to be tractored.

That bird died fast.

Then like a dark cloud racing towards us from the horizon came wave 2 of the Evil Zu's.
I did manage to seal-sleep a good chunk of them before I hit the dirt. Wipe #3 and it was decided the night was over, at least I got a cool new title^^

Lol side note: Only 36 allowed in on this and I think we had 7-8 BLM's show up, previous dynamis experience in the main cities I saw 3-5, almost never a full party. Glad I couldnt lot because I would have been depressed with the odds.

Afterwards a few of the blm's got together and went for a burn. I popped my merit cherry, not sure were I will spend it tho. I was shown a sexy new solo/burn spot in Mt. Z, on the way there every camped was maxed, I figured we would be fighting with at least 2 other parties but no we had this tasty little area all to ourselves.

In NIN news:
Hit 72 the other day and had to log out, logged in got trial weapon but I was mini-dc'n so bad I couldnt duo latent with vip and was forced to log. Logged in the next day and decided to run to kufftal to begin unlocking/KS farm. A LS Sam joined me for some Gekko->Ten fun and we broke latent extremly fast. Sam offered to help on NM as a BRD, King came as his nin and I went nin of course and we smoked the NM. Hopped, skipped and jumped to Norg and got my shiny new WS.

Moments after unlocking Ku (I was still building tp outside of norg to try it for the first time) I was invited to a crazy jp 12-13k an hour no ring party. I was also humiliated both tanking and DD'n by a pld/nin ( joy toy having bastid) forgot to save parse but I think I barely edged by him in dmg. I Dc'd 12k tnl and got hit with the version update so I couldnt return ;;

Monday, January 22, 2007

Ouryu here we come, and Sneaky F'n Asshats

Diablos received a can of whoop ass....

on the 4th try ^^

Went 2 rounds (failure) outside of static to get a feel for it., a few hours later I went with static and on the second try we beat his ass into submission, if vip the nin hadnt 2hrd for the kill we would have made it with zero deaths, hell not even a close call^^

In other news ...
72 NIN! Gotta go get my Trial Kantana tonight and start working on that.
Started knocking out a few limit points on blm solo, slow work indeed. Not really sure what if anything blmish I want to merit, with whm and rdm both in the 60's and slated to start exp when nin hits 75 I think I would be wise to throw everything into stuff I can use across the board, MP etc... after at least one fancy AM II thats is.

Helped Lilwoody with the Yin Yang Robe NM, I guess that stupid weapon was running around for 20 minutes unclaimed while he was gathering people, got the claim, got the drop. Woody had called on some random people outside of his LS, cop group to help, one of these was a jp blm. Now this BLM waited till the bitter end to pass then JPBLM outlots woody's poor 110 with a 850 >.> with mere seconds before auto lot kicks in. Thank god whoevers pt he was in had a leader on the ball because the second that bastard got kicked woody got his robe.
Wtf. JPBLM had the balls to start bitching about it in /say

Now had this fucker actualy thought it was random lot why did he time it to steal? I mean c'mon literaly seconds before it passed, this guy hit the button as items started falling from the add that was killed moments before before YY nm died, hell even one of the YY nm's items showed up as auto-lotted before his lot. Greedy fucker.