FotoShop Phun.
Got bored made myself a sig ..
Then one for a friend
And after seeing some nifty rendered stuff .....
LINKY to the full sized render
Main Entry: maun·der Pronunciation: 'mon-d&r, 'män- Function: intransitive verb Inflected Form(s): maun·dered; maun·der·ing /-d(&-)ri[ng]/ Etymology: probably imitative 1 dialect British : GRUMBLE 2 : to wander slowly and idly 3 : to speak indistinctly or disconnectedly
Got bored made myself a sig ..
Then one for a friend
And after seeing some nifty rendered stuff .....
LINKY to the full sized render
Fished up by Xylos at 12:05 AM 0 comments