Xylos is dead.
Will he be resurrected?
Can't say for sure.
No joy left in this character.
Dance on his grave w/e, mourn the loss, do what you must.
Main Entry: maun·der Pronunciation: 'mon-d&r, 'män- Function: intransitive verb Inflected Form(s): maun·dered; maun·der·ing /-d(&-)ri[ng]/ Etymology: probably imitative 1 dialect British : GRUMBLE 2 : to wander slowly and idly 3 : to speak indistinctly or disconnectedly
Will he be resurrected?
Can't say for sure.
No joy left in this character.
Dance on his grave w/e, mourn the loss, do what you must.
Fished up by
2:43 PM
Labels: The End.
The economy sucks balls.
Not that this is anything new but my current play style has really truely fucked me over.
Project mule has been fun as hell, but it has officialy drained me dry. I have gotten so caught up in this crackish addiction that I have most everything even my Lu Shang rod is up on the AH because I am compelled to purchase even more items.
What would the sale of the Lu' net me? Cross-counters, or a brown-belt/scorpion harness.
Why dont I just farm this crap? Well short answer is lazy. Semi long answer is to take advantage of the current price drops before its "to late". Longer answer is that I really have little love left for a good portion of this game outside of exp or fishing etc.. end-game activities have no draw for me, but I may have to poke my head into end game stuffs a bit to boost my income. Adding to the problem is that if I were to enter end game again I have no gear. nothing. nada. zip.
I have managed to burn most all my bridges or lost the map to get back to them. I have mentioned before having a very short friends list so gathering a few buds to go smash and grab a bcnm etc.. is not a viable option. I have a pretty good skill set for synthing but the market trends make crafting a lose/lose situation outside of major farming and the current influx of RMT has screwed the farmers or anyone attempting to farm.
I need to find a friend that gardens and pester them for info, I think I can handle gardenings stress lol.
It's time to get The Mule into a good LS, he tried with a newbie shell handed to him by an old friend but dear lord calling them newbs is being far to nice. He is going to need AF help soon etc.. so I have to bite the bullet and start begging/applying around lol.
He is however doing well in the exp arena, just hit 35.5ish and is the only source of pleasure this game has for me at the moment. Keeps me from pulling the plug and saving myself 20 bucks a month^^.
Fished up by
12:02 PM