Thursday, February 15, 2007

Happy Belated V. Day.

Not much to report at this time.

Been studying up on Prommy V. fun fun fun.

Went out to dinner and hit the bar for drinks last night. I dont drink very often so I'm a cheap date^^.

In ffxi news:
Came to the conclusion that I cant level brd and nin and participate in LS events, going through COP crap while trying to maintain an exp buffer on BLM, somethings gotta give.
I never really believed people when they sid COP could destroy LS's, Statics, Friendships and cause people to quit the game entirely but I see it now.

To Quote someones thoughts on COP:

I like that assesment. I haven't met a player who has completed CoP that I considered to be any less than very good. They were good learing tools for stealth, teamwork, kiting, fast DD, hate control, basically for everything that a good end-game player should have. It's a far better measuring stick and right of passage than ZM ever hoped to be.

Thank god the CS's rock lol .. COP has been fun as hell so far even when I want to wring peoples necks for running into the maze in Sac. w/o sneak on for the umpteenth time. Come very close to blowing my lid over these "random" acts of noobness but we always seem to pull together in the end. As we near the uncapped portions its good to know that some will be forced to play jobs that they have more time invested in and clear up some of the confusion about how to do what needs to be done. And even better yet RR2 gorgets lmao...

I cant wait for this to be over so I can focus on my time in the LS again gotta get them points up ^^

Also I started a second blog for SS's and one for my renders/silly shit etc..
Xy's ScreenShots
For the SS archive
Time Played For my renders etc.. going to try to do something weekly like a mini comic

Doing this because I live with dial up and post images at work, would be nice to update the main blog from home ^^

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