Busy week #2
Been a while since I posted here ;;.
Well.... I created a new mule to hold some extra junk and complete my collection of two mules in each of the four main cities.
This mule ended up being leveled a bit for fun.
This mule is now a smokin' rank 2 sandorian with level 8 fame in sandy, level 5 fame in bastok, level 7 fame in jeuno all gobbie bags complete (worth the price since having 30 slots just plain sucks.), chocobo license etc... and just dinged 26 (almost 27) last night.
This mule is also running incognito, he was created on a new handle, I had to many mules and this was a forced option and decided to go with the fresh start theme. New friends, new LS's etc...
Been fun so far, in the dunes with no sub I was called a RMT, Gilbuyer, subless noob etc.. lol the joys of being a frech character with a sugar daddy^^.
Sticking to this theme I think he will get his own blog seperate from this one sooo...
That is...
Frickin hilarious!
Please do blog that mule. I look forward to reading it. XD
Mwwaa haaa haa.
One of his crowning achievments was asking a fellow fisherman that exchanges hellos and waves with me (Xylos) if I was using the right bait (I was rank 1, level 4 no sub and had sent myself my Lu Shang, he/she said no and examined me did a "/disgusted" and ran off..... This could be more fun than my idea of copying the Goblin Smithy format for "Dining Out with The Sea Horror"
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