Layout Changes and Addiction
First off new look in the house!
New Template using the beta blogger.
Added in the Catch of the Day and Top 10 #'s in Recorded History lists. Try to keep them semi-updated as I can.
Its late and I'm tired. Lost 10 Shrimp lures total tonight thank god I synth them from mining loot. Forced to switch to minnows my catch-per-hour numbers are suffering now from too many !!!'s. Shrip lures have been silly easy to skill on as Nebs are very frequent and noble ladies have been very easy to reel in 90% of the time. Minnows on the other hand have been a royal pain in the ass. The easiest fish being Cone Calimary is semi-rare compared to noble, bluetail and !!!'s, but the bluetails are still semi-borederline to hard for me to land 100%.
No Horror sightings yet, always a bonus ^^
Did get to see Blackbeard today!! as soon as I remember to run memory stick to work I'll post some pics
!!!! As of right now 1:06 am I am Lvl 28 fishing!!! /huzzah
Time to hit jeuno AH fish, hit windy turn in item, go snuggle choc egg so it wont be born mentaly challenged and pass out. More in the AM.
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