Gone Fishing.
Date: Last week.
While cleaning and organizing my mules for yet another attempt at prepping myself to take some time off I stumbled on a fishing rod.
Flash back two+ years: I am a lvl 30 mnk this is my highest job and I am sitting in east ron trying to catch chevel salmon to hit 13 fishing.
Whoa. Its been a while since I tried to fish ...
So I grabbed some insect paste left over from pl'n my cooking and hit the pond in west ron. I could not for the life of me figure out how to fish with the new system so pestered corn for info made a sucessful catch or two then bam snapped my rod.
This made me angry.
So I head back to town buy up more gear and new rod paste fixin's and run out again. Corn sends me a tell about fishing in Rol for moats so off I go. 10 stacks of moats later I'm hooked (no pun intended) and off searching the web for skill up info. After I spent a good portion of my night researching fishing spots, calculating time till lu shangs if I balance moats and skill, muling excess gear (during wich I discovered I had overwellming water energy explaining my almost 1:4 rusty gear to fish ratio) so I can start my fishing day with 60 slots open minus fishing gear etc.. it hits me. I started my night trying to find a way to get down to one mule max and "retire" if not quit entirely and ended up with a new past time.
I like fishing.
No stress, no time restrictions, no B.S., no parties, just good honest fishin'. I can watch tv between bites, roll up a cig, cruise the net w/e no worries.
So far its not been a "profitable" venture for me maybe 200k invested in gear, rods. bait and paste items. But I have made back maybe 1/4 of that in npc/guild sales. With alchemy and cooking where its at for me I can do a few things to maximise profits and I do plan on leveling cooking more to hit the sushi train someday.
Lu Shangs by my birthday is the goal, I have till mid november. As soon as I can hit some more profitable fish I will pad my moat catches with gil earned via fishing. I figure about two nights a week of pure moat fishing and two or three devoted to skill should work nicely. I will exp rdm a bit or craft/mine/farm for sanity.
Shani gave me a pearl to her and mrfrodo's LS, I am no longer alone ^^.
Fishing Skill 19.1
Lu Shangs Journal an excellent fishing guide.
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