Monday, August 21, 2006

I Believe in Ferry Magic!

No not "Fairy Magic", like mithrandel becoming a mage but the magic of fishing on the Selbina-Mhaura Ferry. Skill ups, Cash, Sea Horror eating young un's, its the whole package!

Netted about 300k so far fishing, just about paid for the weskit I bought yesterday @ 400k, at least I dont have to roll out in full af any more ^^.

"X's guide to the Sea Horror and You."
1. It's mean.
2. Dont run blindly onto the deck.
3. Fishing half way up the stairs is no longer safe.
4. see #2 then let someone else run blindly onto the deck.
5. While person from #4 is occupying it run out and get to a safe fishing spot.
6. Tractor #4 person and raise them.
7. #4 will probably cling to you if you are lucky they will think stairs are safe so keep them between you and the S.H.'s path. I like to call this "The exp buffer" as they provide a buffer between myself and the S.H. and allow me to save exp.
8. Have a chuckle when a "noob" is killed and someone tractors him to the center of the deck, runs away and casts raise just as the S.H. is coming back from a light snack in the cargo bay.
9. /sigh when the same "noob" has that happen to him twice.
10. Dont be a hero, but DO play S.H. tag with someone if you are bored. S.H. like to play tag and there is no mistaking when you are "it" (did this with a sam and a thf as a blm till they quit and I had to warp out)
11. Cheer the 75 nin who gets sick of watching people play S.H. Tag and kills it.

In the course of ten rides saturday the Sea Horror popped 5 times. I ate hot steamy death three times and warped out on my fourth aggro. A 74 BLM/WHM cannot kill it when he is only wearing fishing gear and taken by suprise while fishing and watching tv. Well at least this 74 blm can't.

Current Fishing skill: 24.5

Slow but sure the climb to 30 skill is under way. Why 30? I need to set a point where I can trade off skill fishing for profit, guild points and moat carps. 30 is also the level for the Inside the Belly
quest and that can bring some loot and the fishing rings.

Took some time off the ferry yesterday to fish South Gustaberg for ogre eels and cobalt jelly fish to knock off a few alchemy levels on venom items. Craftsman Rank obtained!! Still debating getting at least the Trituration gp item for alchemy before I switch to fishing since I have 4k gp left and 10k are needed. Back to the gustaberg cliffs, I managed to land six Bastore Bream a lvl 86 fish sales are not that great on them so I'll stash them for gp item.

Two new additions to "Shani's Strays" arrived yesterday so I'm no longer the new guy /hurray. Mrfrodo pointed me to an excellent fishing database I had not found. I'll be adding it to the links: Kida's Fishing Database.

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